All manufactured and tested to BSEN3 the current standard by which hand held fire extinguishers must meet.

2 Litre AFFF   Code FEX001
Replaces the commonly used 0.9 litre units that no longer meet with British and European standards. Use only on 12 and 24 volt systems, or non electrical applications.
Rating: 5A 55B

2kg ABC Powder  Code FEX002
Not recommended for PCV (passenger carrying vehicles), but can be used on service/maintenance vehicles and many other applications including electrical systems.
Rating: 8A 55B C
1kg ABC Powder  Code FEX003
Not recommended for PCV (passenger carrying vehicles), but can be used on service/maintenance vehicles and many other applications including electrical systems.
Rating: 5A 34B C
Fire Extinguisher Protective Case  Code FEX101
Plastic weatherproof container suitable for fire extinguishers up to 2kg or 2 litre. Can be fitted into position or used as a carrying case.